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Women's Program

Our women's program offers a 3, 6 and 12-month program for women struggling with life-controlling issues. 

Wow! The Fathers Heart now has 3, 6 and 12 month programs!

Recovery Solutions

Residential recovery programs to for adults overcoming life controlling forms of addiction. Programs include, but are not limited to, vocational training, job and college preparation, family restoration, individualized counseling plans.



Comprehensive Bible Studies

Biblically oriented lessons/ discussions

        The Father's Heart       "Foundation of Righteousness"

Assigned Mentors

Life Application Courses


Healthy Sleeping Habits

Regimented Schedule

Vocational Therapy

Fitness Equipment Available





Job Searching

Living Situation

Search for a Church


Q: How long is the program?

A: Our Women's Program has options for 3, 6 and 12 month stays. 

Q: Am I allowed to make phone calls?

A: After a two-week blackout period, students are allowed to make one 15min phone call per week, and phase-two students are allotted one 15min phone call and one 30min phone call per week. Your calls are limited to those on your approved call list. 

Q: Am I allowed to talk to my boyfriend?

A: Unless otherwise approved by the Program Director, you are not permitted to make contact with any boyfriends or non-family male figures. 

Q: Can I smoke cigarettes or chew tobacco?

A: Our program has a zero-tolerance tobacco policy.

Q: Am I allowed to take my psych meds?

A: The only form of medication allowed is life sustaining. We recommend you get weened off your medication at the discretion of the prescribing doctor, prior to coming into the program.


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